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Waste and Recycling

Bin Emptying

Compton Parish Council is aware that many of the rubbish and dog-waste bins owned by the parish council, and in particular, the bins in the Recreation Ground, have not been emptied in several weeks.

Published: 14 June 2023

Compton Parish Council is aware that many of the rubbish and dog-waste bins owned by the parish council, and in particular, the bins in the Recreation Ground, have not been emptied in several weeks. Compton Parish Council currently financially engage West Berkshire Council for emptying services, and the lack of service was first raised with them on 18th May. To date, the response received by Compton Parish Council from West Berkshire Council is that it is aware that its contractors are failing to provide an adequate service. It is also recognised that this is a district-wide issue.


Compton Parish Council agrees with residents that this level of service is poor and falls very short of contracted expectation. Please be assured that we are in regular contact with West Berkshire Council for a resolution. If this issue cannot be resolved, we may need to consider alternative contractors, however this will result in an increase in costs which could significantly affect the budget for this year.


In the meantime, if the bin you wish to use is already full, please find another bin or take your rubbish home with you.

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