Bradfield College essential repairs and impact on Ashampstead Road
We have received an update from Bradfield College on its proposed road closures due to repairs.
Published: 13 January 2025

The following information has been received from Bradfield College and all queries should be directed to the College.
Please find below information about the planned restrictions to access to Ashampstead Road between February and December this year when major repairs are taking place to Army House – one of Bradfield College’s Grade II listed boarding houses. I would be extremely grateful if you could share/signpost your parishioners to the latest information contained on the project online resource where they can also sign up to receive email updates direct to their inboxes.
These essential repairs are taking place following an independent report into the building’s condition which identified that the roof is at serious risk of failure and in need of replacement. If left as it is, there is a real risk of falling tiles injuring pedestrians or damaging vehicles. If this were to happen, the repairs could become an unplanned project resulting in a much longer and more disruptive period of road closures and traffic management. It is therefore something that has to be done and will restore the building to an acceptable standard for the foreseeable future. We are going ahead with the repairs now to protect the safety of those living in and around Bradfield village and those that pass through it.
When we first discussed the project with West Berks Streetworks team, they advised us that the complexity and scale of the works involved, merited a complete road closure for the duration of the project. We have worked closely with our contractors to avoid having a complete closure and our updated plan, with daytime closures and temporary lights in the evenings/weekends, was shared with those living closest to the College in November 2024.
We fully acknowledge that this proposal was still extremely disruptive and we have taken into account all the feedback we have received following the meeting held at the end of November and subsequent emails to further inform the programme and logistics.
This remains a complex project with extensive scaffolding requirements on an occupied listed building with ecological constraints, adjacent to a narrow road. For reasons of public safety, West Berks Streetworks are enforcing a road closure at all times when scaffolding is being erected or taken down, therefore we have no option but to close the road at certain times.
We have, however, been able to further reduce the proposed restrictions between mid-July and early-October. During this period, Ashampstead Road will be open to all light vehicles, with the use of stop/go boards for short durations during the working day. The restrictions previously shared will remain in place at all other times.
The road will unfortunately be closed to HGVs for the duration of the project, in line with West Berks Streetworks instructions.
We fully acknowledge the severe impact of these road closures and restrictions on local residents and businesses, but as these are essential repairs that must be carried out on safety grounds, we have no alternative but to complete them. As a large employer within the local area, this affects our community too and as such we have actively worked with our contractor and West Berks to find ways to give access when we safely can.
A summary timeline of the proposed restrictions is therefore as follows (please also see the infographic):
- Mid Feb to Mid April – Full road closure 08:00-17:00 (Monday to Friday). Single carriageway with 4 way traffic lights 17:00 – 08:00 (Monday to Friday), all day weekends and public holidays.
- Mid April to Late June – Full road closure 9:30-15:30 (Monday to Friday). Single carriageway with 4 way traffic lights 15:30 – 09:30 (Monday to Friday), all day weekends and public holidays.
- Late Jun to Mid Jul – Full road closure 08:00-17:00 (Monday to Friday). Single carriageway with 4 way traffic lights 17:00 – 08:00 (Monday to Friday), all day weekends and public holidays.
- Mid Jul to Early Oct – STOP-GO signs on Ashampstead Road during the working day (Monday to Friday). Road fully open at all other times.
- Early Oct to Mid Nov – Full road closure 08:00-17:00 (Monday to Friday). Single carriageway with 4 way traffic lights 17:00 – 08:00 (Monday to Friday), all day weekends and public holidays.
Details of diversion routes and much more can be found here:
Please do get in touch if you need any further information.